Now there was one other person in Mexico who was as beautiful and as famous as Maria, and that was Dolores bdel Rio/b. Dolores, who was also a friend, was beautiful inside and out. She was a classy, caring lady. I loved both women but they were tremendous rivals. ... Christie's held a very sexy cocktail reception and preview of the bestate/b items of the sex goddess of Mexican film blore/b, Maria Felix, Monday night at the auction house in Rockefeller Center. ...
El último, durante el pasado abril, entre El Puerto y Puente Genil, siguiendo el curso bdel río/b Guadalquivir, haciendo un total de 561 kilómetros en la ida durante una semana, acompa?ado por su mujer Ángela. ... cruzaron con una barcaza e hicieron noche en Coria; a continuación vendría el recorrido hasta bLora del Río/b; el siguiente paso fue Córdoba haciendo la ruta de la Subética; luego vendría Montoro, Jaen y Suero, finalizando en Puente Genil pasando por Lucena, Cabra, ? ...
Lora M Lorant M lording M lordliness SM lordly PTR Lord MS lord MYDGS lordship SM Lordship SM Loree M Loreen M Lorelei M Lorelle M lore MS Lorena M Lorene M Loren SM Lorentzian M Lorentz M Lorenza M Lorenz M Lorenzo M Loretta M ...